Mai Oki Aizu

Post-Holiday Views

January 05, 2019

The color associated with so many

always leave me intrigued
What happened to all that joy under a tree
or is it just fatigue

The perpetual
Needing a vacation from a vacation
When family isn’t really

It’s more than fatigue
Its sheer exhaustion
but also desperation
of a hope never actualized
Grumbling at the torment by the storms of life
While claiming a fog named slowness is what dims

The Light

warm drinks, commercialized family
Social media ravishing
About decor so stunning
Meals so satisfying

And maybe we will take part in some form
But when an overworked soul says
“No more!”
None of this is lavishing my soul to wholeness
I cant stay present
for all the presents
fake dances
cordial glances

But a Child

A child speaks her truth
Stares in awe at lights all around
As if the first go around
Is resilient around family in town
An effortless Joy for restoration
Hugs and kisses all around
Don’t take her for granted
She’s motivated and smart
On a mission to mend
The hearts
that have been broken
Without ever needing an explanation
Forgiveness in action

Adults stare amused
And wonder what happened to
their views
What have i forsaken,
“Doesn’t she know all of us are quite broken?”

Neither are unaware of the bittersweetness of life
While an adult may sour at the bitter cards dealt
Only to reminisce at the sweetness that was
A child lives
Transfixed at thresholds
Laughing at bitterness
Savouring the sweet
Knowing full well
Hope and I will meet

Mai Ho

Written by Mai Ho.
ハーフとしての意見、詩や、短編小説📚📝poetry and short stories from the lens of a bi-racial woman